Friday, October 11, 2013

#142 playlist 07. 10. 2013

KM13 - popotnica - Klubski martaton radia Student 2013
Christian Kroupa - Eta carinae - Klubski martaton radia Student 2013
Student forever - Radio Študent the movie (excerpt), 2009
Koromac - Analtalk - Klubski martaton radia Student 2013
Incurabili - See you tomorrow - Fine with me
Student forever - Radio Študent the movie (excerpt), 2009
Dubzilla - Trial - Dubzilla
Automassage - His - We could get rid of our saxophone player
Rok zalokar trio - Liberte - Vol 1
Student forever - Radio Študent the movie (excerpt), 2009
The hoax program - The melody of revolt - II
Nikki Louder - Mouse dress/Hey joe - Golden men
Spock studios - A septic contribution of mind itself - A degree below your means
Ana pupe dan - Ti moras - Na domacoj brijaci
Deca debilane - track one - ????
Zoambo zoet workestrao - You name it but loveless - Lahko je s polno ritjo celibati
KM13 - popotnica - Klubski martaton radia Student 2013
Ontervjabbit - Alpha programmer - Klubski martaton radia Student 2013
Orkestrada - Spusti ptico - Spusti
Barely Modern - lions throat  - We cruise like tom does
Balazalorsky - Hi, just passing by - Drasler 30

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